Public Relations and Educational Activities

Hosting and Participating in Consumer Awareness Events

In the places where the violation occurs, the general consumers need to understand the appeal of Japanese content and the problems of piracy and other intellectual property rights infringement. Since 2013, CODA has been holding consumer awareness events in countries worldwide in cooperation with the Agency for Cultural Affairs, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, and other related organizations.

July 26 to 28, 2019
Scene of general consumer event in Malaysia
October 24, 2019
Scene of quiz show for university students in Vietnam

Since 1987, the Anti Counterfeiting Association (ACA) has joined nationwide public awareness events, “Really? Really! Fair” and provided “right or wrong quiz” explanations, exhibits, etc. The event, supported by the National Police Agency and prefectural police departments nationwide, aims at eliminating illicit products such as fake brands, character goods, and pirated copies of music, films, etc., and protecting intellectual property.

October 2, 2022
Scene of the appointment ceremony for one-day campaign cheerleader of popular entertainer Ourin in Tokyo
October 2, 2022
Scene of “Really? Really! Right or Wrong Quiz Event” on copyright and trademark in Tokyo

Training Seminars

Since 2005, we have held training seminars to provide knowledge on the features of Japanese content and piracy identification methods to those in charge of regulatory bodies in Mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan. Thereby, we are working to improve the effectiveness of the crackdown by strengthening cooperation with regulatory bodies.
The program has been expanded to ASEAN countries and conducted with a wide range of trainees, including local government officials, educators, and legal professionals.

Slide to see the whole figure

Cumulative results(Between January of 2005 and March of 2024)

Venues No. of Seminars No. of Participants
34 locations 127 9,080
China(17 City) 51 4,189
Hong Kong 19 1,459
Macau 7 262
Taiwan(5 citys) 24 1,010
Thailand(2 citys) 5 418
Indonesia(2 citys) 10 793
Malaysia(4 citys) 6 498
Vietnam(2 citys) 5 451

Operation of the Enlightenment site

In May 2020, we launched the Enlightenment page for general consumers. As the “Manga-Anime Guardians Project” (MAGP), in which 19 companies and organizations related to manga and animation in Japan participate as committee members, 16 awareness-raising manga works newly drawn by 16 manga artists across publisher boundaries have been published with the cooperation of the Publication Publicity Center.

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