Please select from the following items according to the content of your inquiry.
Contact information
For questions about CODA activities, requests for interviews, etc., please contact the CODA secretariat.
Please note that the content of your inquiry may be shared within CODA for business promotion.
About links
In principle, you are free to link to the CODA website. However, please specify the top page ( as the URL for the link. URLs other than the top page may be changed or deleted without notice due to renewal or other reasons. In addition, links that display the CODA website in a frame are not permitted.
Please also use the CODA banner when setting up your link.

About students and education
CODA works on organizing events and seminars on copyright awareness domestically and internationally. Through such events, we hope to provide students with an opportunity to think more about copyright.

Contact information
For holding seminars at educational institutions or consulting us about research, please contact us at the contact information below.