Dialogue with foreign governments and operators
In promoting measures against overseas piracy and copyright infringement on the Internet, CODA builds relationships with local government agencies, industry associations, business operators, etc., that are difficult for one company to negotiate. In addition, we open a window for dialogue.
Motion Picture Association (MPA)
CODA and MPA signed a formal Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) in March 2014 to develop new good practices and strengthen joint copyright protection efforts in response to the current worldwide online copyright infringement problem. Based on the solid partnership between CODA and MPA that has been nurtured over the past nine years (business alliance on countermeasures against physical pirates in the Asian region since 2005), CODA and MPA will share information on online copyright infringement, which has become a problem worldwide and deepen discussions and deliberations on countermeasures against it. The MOU includes exercising feasible, appropriate, and effective rights, implementing peripheral measures for illegal sites, considering technical solutions, and lobbying several governments. It has agreed to extend that term by two years in 2016, 2018, 2020, 2022, and 2024. We are also exchanging ideas on strengthening cooperation with the Alliance for Creativity and Entertainment (ACE), established in 2017 with MPA at its core.

Chinese government, copyright organizations, etc.
Through the CODA Beijing Center, we have established channels for dialogue with Chinese government agencies such as the National Copyright Administration. We conduct information exchange, etc., on copyright-related legal systems independently and also hold meetings to exchange opinions when government-related agencies visit Japan. In addition, we provide information annually to the “Sword Network Action,” a special crackdown campaign against copyright infringement on the Internet jointly conducted by four organizations related to intellectual property: the National Copyright Administration, the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, and the Cyberspace Administration of China. We have signed MOUs on intellectual property protection and legitimate distribution with the following companies: China Culture Communication Holding Group Co., Limited, a state-owned company directly under the Ministry of Culture and Tourism (March 2019); FirstBrave (September 2019); MIGU, a distributor and wholly owned subsidiary of China Mobile Communications Corporation, the world’s largest mobile telecommunications operator (December 2019); Copyright society of China, which specializes in the field of copyright in China, under the supervision of the National Copyright Administration (April 2023); and five major video-sharing site operators in China.
Korean government, copyright organizations
We work with the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism (MCST). In addition, in August 2017, we signed an MOU with the Korea Copyright Protection Agency (KCOPA), which was established in 2016 by merging the Korea Copyright Commission (KCC) and parts of the Korea Federation of Copyright Organizations (KOFOCO), for the protection of intellectual property and other matters. Furthermore, a similar MOU was signed with COA (Copyright Overseas Promotion Association) in December 2017, and regular consultations are underway.
ASEAN administrative agencies and related organizations
We have established relationships with MyIPO (Intellectual Property Corporation of Malaysia), MDTCA (Ministry of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs, Malaysia), DIP (Department of Intellectual Property, Thailand), DEPA (Digital Economy Promotion Agency, Thailand), TACTICS (Thailand’s Action Taskforce for Information Technology. Crime Suppression), COV (Copyright Office of Vietnam), DGIP (Directorate General of Intellectual Property, Indonesia), IPOPHL (Intellectual Property Office of the Philippines), and others to strengthen cooperation through information sharing.