On December 8, 2022, the Digital Contents Strategy Subcommittee of the Intellectual Property Strategy Investigation Committee held a meeting at the headquarters of the Liberal Democratic Party of Japan, with CODA Representative Director Takero Goto and Hiroyuki Nakajima, Legal Director of CBEP (Cross-Border Enforcement Project), attending as hearing subjects.
The subcommittee meeting opened with opening remarks by Chairperson, Research Commission on Intellectual Property Strategy Takayuki Kobayashi and Subcommittee Chairman Takashi Yamashita, facilitated by Taro Yamada, who serves as Chief Secretary of the Subcommittee.
CODA Representative Director Goto gave a presentation titled “Strengthening International Cooperation and Enforcement,” in which he explained the current situation of pirate sites, which are becoming more complex and global, and Japanese content, which is becoming a prime target. He also explained the specific measures and results CODA has achieved, such as fast movies and Manga BANK, and offered his opinions on current and future projects to focus on.
In his presentation entitled “Achievements and Latest Issues in Combating Piracy on the Internet,” Attorney Nakajima touched on measures implemented in cooperation with CODA as well as measures being taken with publishers against pirate sites, and also explained the latest issues related to illegal uploading, emphasizing the need for public-private partnerships.
The subcommittee meeting was attended by a large number of participants, including members of various ministries and agencies, as well as legislators, who engaged in enthusiastic discussions on measures against pirate sites on the Internet across national borders.
(translated by automatic translation system)