On 3 March 2023, CODA visited the Customs and Excise Department of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (Hong Kong Customs) Headquarters in the North Corner of Hong Kong to present a plaque of appreciation to Hong Kong Customs for its investigations and detection of infringements of Japanese content rights to date.
CODA’s cooperation with Hong Kong Customs began in 2005 and has been very successful in combating piracy. Furthermore, on 26 April 2022, a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was signed for the purpose of cooperation on mutual IPR protection and awareness-raising in both Japan and Hong Kong, and efforts have been made to further strengthen cooperation between the two countries and regions.

Assistant Commissioner (Intelligence and Investigation) Mark Woo and Head of Intellectual Property Investigation Bureau Yi-lee Chiang attended the presentation ceremony, where CODA Representative Director Takero Goto presented Mr Woo with a plaque of appreciation and promised continued cooperation.

(From left) CODA Representative Director Takero Goto, Hong Kong Customs Assistant Commissioner Mark Woo

CODA will continue to strengthen its cooperation with Hong Kong Customs and make every effort to ensure the proper protection of intellectual property rights and the promotion of sound regular distribution in both Japan and Hong Kong and the region.
This activity was part of a project entrusted from the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.
(translated by automatic translation system)
■Reference:News release at the time of signing of the MOU.